With the ever changing face of the global pandemic we must act in accordance with guidelines given to us by the government and local council. The below amendments MUST be adhered to on race days.
– When on site – you MUST wear a face covering when away from your pit area / parking space, when using the toilet blocks or in line for the catering vans. If you are exempt please make sure you have proof of exemption with you as you may be asked.
– All people on site are to maintain social distancing at all times and there can be no groups of more than 6 people together at a time – if there are groups in breach of this, it could result in a delay to the meeting while we address. Any persistent breaching of this rule from racers / spectators will result in a ban from future meetings.
– We will have marshals in the spectator and pit areas in the morning – while people are free to park where they wish, maintain a good space between vehicles at all times – you may be asked to move to allow social distancing to be maintained – please assist with this if asked to move, treating our staff with respect.
– Following feedback from spectators the gates will be closed from 12:30pm, please ensure you are on site before this time where possible. Drivers must be in and scrutineers by no later than 11:30am.
These steps and guidelines are necessary in order for us to continue to run full fixtures at Warton Stock Car Club, so we ask for all attending a race meeting to work with us on these. If we see consistent ignorance of these, we will have to review IF we run any future fixtures.
We have always aimed to deliver a fun, relaxed days racing and entertainment for those attending meetings. While we are all having to adapt to the “new normal” – we are all responsible for taking personal steps in order to suppress the spread of this virus.